Afghanistan Bans Secondary Education For Girls: A Step Towards Regressive Era

Afghanistan Bans Secondary Education For Girls: A Step Towards Regressive Era

Raghavendra Yadav*

Women are known as “Aadhi Abadi” or “Aadhi Duniya” which means “Half of the World”. As per this situation, half of the world’s resources should be accessible to women, but unfortunately, there is not a single country in the world, in which, women have access to half of all resources. Even in the 21st century, the proportion of women is not equal to men in education, administration, economic, socio-political and other spheres. This inequality is prevalent in societies all over the world making colossal waste of female talent. In some countries, the condition of women is bad as that of men and in some countries, it is worse. The main reason behind it is conservative customs and a patriarchy-based society that prevents women from working alongside men. They impose unnecessary traditional norms on women in various areas by preventing girls from education, shrinking girls' opportunities and restricting girls' rights & liberty and as a result, most women are still denied basic rights to education, employment, freedom of speech and even independent identity. So, it is today’s need, to eradicate these gender biases, upswing the status of women and offer them equal opportunities in all arenas without any discrimination. Dr. B. R. Ambedakar, who is internationally known as the ‘Symbol of Knowledge’ gave his volumetric view on women empowerment and said, “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.” If girls are denied secondary education it means they cannot pursue higher education and a country that does not educate women cannot progress.

A person cannot be denied an education because she is a girl. If an individual or group is denied education on the basis of gender, caste, religion, race, color, region, etc., then they are being deprived of their human rights and fundamental rights. No government should be given the right to destroy people's human rights and fundamental rights. People from all genders should be treated equally to get an education. Every country of the world must have an equal education policy for all without any discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, religion, race, color, region, etc.  The Taliban rule has temporarily banned girls' secondary education in Afghanistan based on the argument that the previous education pattern was not in consonance with the core tenets of Islam. They claim that they are formulating new laws for girls’ secondary education as per Islamic pattern. If as per their argument, the previous education pattern for girls’ secondary education was not in tune with the core belief of Islam then the question that arises is, was the earlier education pattern in Afghanistan for girls’ primary education in tune with Islam? Why are they not making new laws for girls’ primary and higher education? Another question, was the earlier education pattern in Afghanistan for men/boys in line with Islamic value? If they are making a new law for girls’ secondary education then why are they not making a new law for boys’ education as per their interpretation of Islam? Is the Islamic education pattern of the Taliban rule different from other Muslim countries? Several Islamic countries have provisions for equal access to education for all citizen including girls. If they are providing education to all without gender discrimination then why is the Taliban rule discriminating on the basis of gender? Perhaps, the Taliban rule does not know what is the Islamic provision of education for girls? So they banned it. If there is a provision in Islam to provide education to girls then why is it not in practiced in Afghanistan, and who has given the rights to men or state or society to ban girls’ education? There is discrimination in the Taliban rule. So, the Taliban rule should rethink their decision on Girls' secondary education ban in Afghanistan and should amend it appropriately.

There is a Chinese proverb, "If you are thinking a year ahead, sow a seed. If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking one hundred years ahead, educate the people. When you sow the seed, you will reap a single harvest, when you teach the people, you will reap of hundred harvests". Kuan Tzu (551-479BC) By temporarily banning secondary education for girls, the Taliban rule is destroying Afghanistan's hundred years of planning. If restrictions on girls' education continue in Afghanistan then they will be laying a perfect foundation for a regressive society. In low-income, low-middle-income countries, and countries that are more conservative, gender inequality is more rampant. Afghanistan is one among them where there are unnecessary restrictions are imposed by the Taliban rule. The famous economist and Nobel Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen said, “We cannot make a good future in absence of women’s empowerment”. He also said empowering women is key to building a future we want”. Women’s empowerment leads to raising the status of women and enable them to become independent and stand on their own legs and is necessary for the betterment of half of the world and for uplifting the whole world. There is a famous African proverb, “If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a family (nation).” Dr. James Kwegyir-Aggrey (1875-1927). If the Taliban rule will not educate women then it means they are not educating the nation. In this regard, Swami Vivekananda said, “There is no change for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved; it is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.”

If any religious text or government rule prevents women from getting educated or if there is any discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, class, creed, race…. etc then it is against the human rights and fundamental rights of the people. So, the concerned officials of that country should re-think on it. If there is an issue of the Islamic pattern behind current Girls’ secondary education ban in Afghanistan then the world leaders of Islamic countries should engage in dialogue on girls’ education with the Taliban rulers. It is factually wrong that in Islam there is a gender bias to get an education. The interpretation of Taliban rulers are erroneous because they are not educated. Therefore, the Taliban rulers must be educated first to change their perception on education of girls and women. Such biases were also prevented earlier in India, for instance as per the Manusmriti Sanhita, the Shudra and women were not given the right to get an education but after social reform, they were allowed to get education without any discrimination. International organizations including the United Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank, world’s leaders who support girl education, social activists, civil society and other individuals should raise their voices against this draconian, unequal and discriminatory law of Afghanistan’s Taliban rule. Students from Universities, Institutes, colleges and schools across the world should stand in solidarity with the right to education movement of Afghanistan’s girls because to get an education, equal opportunity must be given to all human beings in every country of the world.

Published in The Education World
#Education #Afghanistan #Girls_Education #Girls_Education_Matters 

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*Author is Ph.D. Scholar, Centre for Studies in Economics & Planning, Central University of Gujarat, India. He can be contacted thru

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